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          ABOUT US
          Jissyu Solder Co.,Ltd.

          Xiamen Jissyu Solder Paste Co.,Ltd

          Xiamen Jissyu Solder Co.Ltd. was founded in 1997, serving as the pioneer(creator) of lead-free low-temperature solder paste whose sales has taken the leading role nationwide since 2005. 

          Xiamen Jissyu Solder Co.Ltd. is entitled as China's Standard-setting Enterprise of Electronic Solder Industry, China's Solder Industry Advanced Enterprise, National High-tech Enterprise, and Xiamen New Material Enterprise, and has won many honors, such as Xiamen Science and Technology Progress Award and National Key New Product. 

          We are responsible for people's better life and social development, contributing to the green earth

          With the attitude of serving the country by industry, we take an active part in the industrial ecological construction in the process of human being moving towards intelligentization, and contribute to people's better life, social development and green earth.

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